

  • A regular Hifz class of about 32 students is maintained at the Campus.
  • 40 students completed Hifz during the year 2009 and 2010.
  • Hifz Competition:A Hifz competition among the students of various Madrasas / Schools of Islamabad was held in two stages during Oct, 2010 for three categories of Hifz i.e. 10 Siparas, 20 Siparas and 30 Siparas, with age limits of 8 years, 12 years and 15 years respectively. Invitation was sent to 40 institutions of Islamabad out of which 14 institutions participated. Sheilds & Certificates were given to the first, second and third position holders of each category.
  • 03 passing outs of Huffaz were arranged during January, March and June 2010 respectively wherein about 50 students / parents / invitiees participated.
  • A recreational trip to various picnic spots within Islamabad was arranged for the students of Qur'an house during May, 2010.
  • Since April, 2009 a Hadees class has also been started for the Hifz students.
  • Special Tajweed class has been started for 3 days a week for all Hifz students.
  • A two-month summer course (during summer vacations of school) for Qur'an Nazra with Tajweed will commence w.e.f.1st July, 2010. So far seven (07) students have registered for the course .
  • 15 alumnae of Qur'an House lead Taraweeh Prayer during Ramadhan of 2010.
  • A regular Tarjumma class is held for the students of Qur'an House w.e.f. January, 2011.